Hi, my name is Axel VILLERET
I am a fullstack developer and have a degree in computer engineering.

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About me

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Specialist in People-Systems Interaction, I am trained to design user-centered IT solutions, integrating the latest technological innovations and societal issues. My past experiences have also allowed me to gain rigor, autonomy and to develop adaptation and teamwork skills.

With experience, I am no longer content with simply coding. I tend towards a particular sensitivity to the quality of the code. Concretely, I strive to develop code in a modular and scalable way, using in particular practices such as Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD), which promote decoupling. This approach, which represents a huge challenge for companies, makes it possible to create robust, maintainable solutions ready to evolve with future needs.

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My most successful projects

Le Bistro du JV

This project was for me the most ambitious and the most enriching of my academic career at ENSIM. This is my very first website, the one that aroused my curiosity and interest in application development.

In terms of technologies, it uses HTML/CSS, as well as PHP allowing it to interact with a MySQL database.

In terms of functionality, it is an online video game library site made up of two parts:
- One intended for the customer allowing them to create an account, borrow and manage their reservations.
- Another for the admin allowing him to manage video game stocks, as well as returns of games borrowed by customers.

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The goal was to create your own bot on Telegram messaging and be able to chat with it. To do this, I first exposed my own API using Spring Boot. The latter serves to simplify exchanges with famous APIs such as OpenWeather, Telegram or OpenAI by reducing the data exchanged to that useful to the project. Secondly, to create the bot, I set up a pooling system so that my program is kept informed of the latest messages received by the bot. It will then, based on the message received, query the appropriate endpoint of my API and return a message containing the response to the client via the Telegram API.

This project was an opportunity for me to perfect my mastery of REST APIs and to realize the extent of the possibilities then offered. I also used Design Patterns to improve the quality of my code.

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This project was also an opportunity for me to take an important step in application development.

It is an Android application developed in Kotlin and based on Firebase for the backend. This allowed me to acquire ease in asynchronous programming, but also to apply concepts learned during my training (advanced exception management and use of interfaces in particular). I also leveraged the advanced features of Firebase to trigger backend tasks at regular intervals and set up an automated notification system.

This application is inspired by Dealabs, which allows, on the basis of user accounts, to create and share good deals found online and view the ones most liked by the community.

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YouTube video card generator

This project is a utility that allows you to retrieve the thumbnail of a YouTube video using its URL. It is a React application that uses the YouTube API to retrieve the video information and display the thumbnail. It also uses a proxy server to bypass the CORS policy when downloading the thumbnail. It embeds a dark mode feature to switch between light and dark themes and uses the localStorage to save the user's preference.

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Skills visualization tool

This project was carried out during my final year of engineering studies. In a team of four, our objective was to develop a tool allowing a learner, on an online learning platform, to be able to visualize a set of skills represented by a hierarchy on a web interface. We also had interoperability constraints. Indeed, our tool must be able to be easily integrated into existing LMS such as the Moodle platform, which was achieved by implementing the LTI protocol, designed for this purpose. This project was rich in contributions, I was able to develop my user experience design skills since creating a simple and intuitive interface was a challenge here. In addition, I was able to gain experience on the technology stack we used (React / Spring). Finally, as project manager, I was responsible for project management (agile methodology) and listening to the client's demanding needs.

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